Privacy Policy


TESNTA SERVICE, S.L., established in Avenida de las Américas, número 3, portal 1, piso 2, puerta 2A, Málaga, zip code 29002, N.I.F. B93057453, registered with the Mercantile Registy in Málaga, tome 4749, Book 3657, Page 44 8ªsection , Sheet MA-104880. The contact electronic mail address is the following:



The following privacy policy is up-to-date according to as required in the 2016/679 regulation, of April 27 of 2016, applicable from May 25 of 2018, and to the indications offered by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

 On applying it, you may also exercise the rights that are stated:

TESNTA SERVICE informs your that the data collected shall be processed automatically and inserted in a Data Base, property of TESNTA SERVICE,S.L. that is equipped with security measures as provided for in the Security Measures Regulations for automated files containing personal data. The purpose is to guarantee the safety of your data, to avoid non-authorized alteration, loss, handling and access, having knowledge at all time of the state of the technology.

The rightsholder of the data may exercise any of the rights stated in the previous section sending a written and signed notice with a copy of your Identity Document (ID), to the following address: Avenida de las Américas, número 3, portal 1, piso 2, puerta A2, Código Postal 29002 de Málaga, or to the email address

Please contact us if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints about the present Privacy Policy, you can do so sending an email to with the subject: “Privacy Policy”. We will answer as soon as possible, it is our absolute priority any matter related to the safe keeping and protection of your personal data.

TESNTA SERVICE, S.L. reserved the right to modify the present Privacy Policy, whenever necessary, to adapt it to the current national regulations. There for we recommend a periodic review, since it can suffer modifications.



For the intelligence and interpretation of the present General Conditions, both parties, expressly waive any other jurisdiction which may correspond to them and submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Malaga.

The present General Conditions shall be governed by the agreements established and, anything not foreseen will be governed.