Legal Advisory

  1. Ownership of the website


The domain is property of Tesnta; owner of the intellectual property rights on the website and its’ contents, without prejudice of legitimate right of a third. The company Tesnta is registered in the Registry of Companies and has its’ fiscal domicile in Av. De las Americas, 3, 29006 Málaga, you can contact us in the following e-mail address:


  1. Terms and conditions


The user accesses voluntarily to this website. The access and navigation on this website implicates the acceptance and knowing of the legal notice, conditions and terms of use contained in it. The mere access does not imply the establishment of any type of commercial relation between Tesnta and the user. The legal notice and/or conditions of the services provided through the present website may suffer modifications of any sort when Tesnta deems it convenient or with the intended purpose of adapting itself to future legislative or technological changes. These modifications will be notified conveniently being valid from its publication in this website, except otherwise expressed.


  1. Products and/or services


Tesnta offers the users certain services/products, submitted to the terms and conditions indicated in the present website, the user must read carefully the conditions that apply to each service, that shall not exempt him/her in any case, except otherwise expressed, of the compliance of the before stated legal notice.


  1. Contents


Tesnta makes the biggest efforts to avoid errors in the contents published in the website. All the contents that are offered through the website are updated, Tesnta reserving its power of modifying them in any moment. Tesnta does not hold itself accountable for the consequences which could arise from errors in the contents provided by third-parties in this website.Tesnta offers links, direct and indirectly, to resources or internet sites that can be found outside the present website. The presences of these links in the website have an informative finality.


  1. Responsibility limits


We do not guarantee that the services in the website will be uninterrupted, suitable, safe or free of error, nor do we offer any guarantee of the results that may be obtained through the use of the services or of the precision and liability of any information obtained. We do not control, nor do we make our own, nor do we guarantee the accuracy, quality, truthfulness, liability or suitability of the information and services provided or offered by third-parties through the website. Tesnta does not make itself responsible for the content of other websites to which lead the links provided.Neither does it make itself responsible for any damage nor loss that may be caused by de connection o the use of any content, product or service available in the websites to which lead the links. Tesnta cannot guarantee the availability and the correct functioning of the links to other websites.


  1. Intellectual and industrial property


This website and its contents that it hosts are protected by the current legislation on the subject of intellectual property. The modification, copy, reproduction, download, transmission of the contents in the portal are strictly forbidden if you do not have the authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights or you are legally authorized. The access to the website does not mean the acquisition by the user’s part of any property right over the contents that appear in the website. The references to commercial brands or registered brands or distinctive signs, owned by Tesnta or by third-parties, have implicitly the prohibition of use without Tesnta’s or its legitimate owner’s consent. The access or use of the portal does not confer to the user in any moment, unless expressly notified, the right over son brands, logos, and/or distinctive signs included in the website and protected by law.


  1. Navigation and security


Tesnta makes the biggest efforts to guarantee that the navigation through this website is done in the best conditions. Tesnta does not hold itself responsible for any type of prejudice suffered by the users for the use of browsers or versions different from the browsers the website was designed for. Tesnta does not hold itself responsible, nor does it guarantee that the access to this website will be uninterrupted or is without error. In no event shall Tesnta be liable for the damages of any sort that may arise from the access or use of the website.


  1. Legislation applicable


The terms and condition than govern this website, such as the relations that may come of it are protected and under the Spanish legislation.


  1. Terms and conditions of use


Tesnta reserves all rights to suspend or cancel the access in case it is being used to violate any applicable law or usual internet rule of use, or the domain is being used in an illegal activity, as so if a notification is received by any competent authority or in the other cases contemplates by the applicable law. The users, in the use of the website and the associated services with it, must respect the following obligations:

  1. Do not introduce, store or broadcast through the website or any of the associated services to it any computer program, data, virus, code, or any type of other instrument or electronic device that may be susceptible to causing damage in the website, in any of the associated services or any equipment, system or web of the domain’s ownership, of any user, of its suppliers or in general to any third-party, or that in any other way may cause any type of alteration or prevent the normal functioning of the web.
  2. Do not destroy, alter, disable, or damage the domain ownership’s, its suppliers’ or any third-party’s data, information, program or electronic documents.
  3. Do not use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the website for advertising aims,  to send messages sales-aimed or any other type of commercial aim, nor to gather and store personal data of third-parties.
  4. Users must abstain from avoiding or manipulating any established technical devices, that is to say in the website, in any of the services or in any of the material, elements or information obtained through it, for the protection of your rights.
  5. Users must abstain from eliminating identifying signs of the domain’s ownership rights (of intellectual, industrial or any other type of property) or of third-parties that appear in the website and in each and every one of the diverse services offered through it.
  6. Users must abstain from having part in any act that may result in the deviation in the traffic of the website.