Evidence-based medicine

Through our platforms, we help the Insurance Companies improve the quality of the hired health services, offering the doctors, as well as the rest of professionals who participate in the process, a greater benefit that is directly received by the policy holders. For this we can count upon a team of professionals with qualified training and experience shown both on the medical field and in the management field.
Our management model allows the Insurance Companies to improve their coverage policy, and their clinical management protocols, in some cases, through the integration of scientific evidences that add value to medical decision-making, which will lead to a greater quality in the assistance and an excellent medical practice, there for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness in the treatments and improving the life quality of the insured. 
In the Consultancy line we analyse processes and we propose improvements that boost sustained and sustainable growth.




With the Oncology and Hemodynamic platforms, we provide our clients with the software tools needed for the proper and rational use of all the available resources in patient treatment, through which we corroborate that the patients receive the adequate treatment for their clinical needs, in personalized doses depending on their individual requirements, during the period of time necessary according to the medical ethics and the applicable sectoral legislation. 

Moreover, we develop consultancy Ad Hoc projects in areas such as: integrated management systems (ISO and UNE), process reengineering, dental clinics management, feasibility studies, etc.




Tool that allows the Insurance Companies a better management of the oncologic treatments prescribed to their clients, through a second opinion of our medical team. 



Tool that provides the Insurance Companies a better management of the patients’ diagnosis and prescribed treatments, by the chance of a second opinion given by our medical team. 



Analysis and improvement of our clients’ the operative processes, as well as implantation of business management systems.

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Av. de las Américas, 3, 29002 Málaga


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